Whilst every effort has been made by Simply Explore South
Africa cc and its suppliers of information, to ensure the
proper performance of this website, the accuracy of the
information/images and the reliability of the binary data on
this website, Simply Explore South Africa cc, its affiliated
companies, suppliers, or any of their employees, do not
guarantee the availability of services, content and
information offered on this website the Services or the
accuracy of the information and/or images on this website.
This applies to all services offered including tours,
safaris, accommodation and hotels.
We make no representations or warranties, whether express or
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performance of this website and/or the services and/or the
information and/or images contained on this website, and the
Services are thus used at your own risk. In particular we make no
warranty that the Services will meet your requirements, be
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We will not entertain requests for exchanges, returns and/or
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